Pattern release for "Aryaa Doily"

Hello and welcome to my little blog..!

Monsoon lingered more than usual this year, October heat (local phenomenon here – the scorching heat caused by monsoon withdrawal due to which temperature rises and humidity falls) has become like a myth. This year we are hearing words “cyclone”, “red alert”, “orange alert” more than ever! Cyclones are more common in the eastern and south-eastern parts of India but here in western coasts, its unusual...!! But this year is anyways full of unusual things I guess, so no wonder. Enough of my weather reporting...!😀 I have one good news for y’all, today I am publishing my doily pattern “Aryaa”.

Today marks the first day of Navratri, a festival celebrated in India with much enthusiasm (its particularly famous with young generation because of the Garba parties.!). I always try to narrate the festivals in India in details because that’s my heritage and as most of my readers are based out of India, I take every opportunity to describe Indian culture.!

This festival revolves around the legend of the battle between goddess Durga and demon Mahishasura, in which the demon is defeated eventually, signifying the victory of good over evil. Navratri means nine nights, 'Nava' means 'nine,’ and 'Ratri' means 'night.' Goddess Durga is worshipped in 9 forms known as NavDurga. This 9 day long festival is celebrated by wearing different color outfits (one color for each day), my favorite part.! I still remember, earlier (it feels like a different era altogether), I mean before this pandemic when everything was normal (no restrictions on travelling) and local train was our only option, whole railways platform used to turn into that day’s color..! Going to miss it this year.!

In the eastern and northeastern states of India, the festival is celebrated as Durga Puja, the biggest festival of the year there.! In Northern India, Ram Lila, a folk drama where scenes from Lord Rama’s life are played, is performed.

On the final day, called Vijayadashmi or Dussehra, the effigies symbolizing the evil is burnt with fireworks marking evil's destruction. In Maharashtra where I live, people exchange sweets and Apta (Bauhinia racemose) tree leaves, it signifies good wishes and prosperous future, an ancient tradition. Doors are decorated with garlands made up of marigold, mango leaves and mature seed heads of rice (this is also the harvest time for rice here). The environment is so joyous that it feels like the whole cosmic energy has transcended down.! That’s my India, Unity in diversity, so many different ways and traditions to celebrate one festival.

So coming back to the pattern, “Aryaa” which means brave and noble (my brainchild.), is 12’’ doily made in 28 rounds. I have given two optional rounds (value added rounds). I chose this day for release because this day is special, very auspicious, it denotes the tremendous potential power, the feminine creation has within herself (an ordinary woman has within her).

Lastly before I start giving instruction, I want to thank all my lovely testers, Aparna, Yvonne, Sivapriya, Tricia, Marjella, Lotta & Kamila. Special thanks to Aparna, what would I do without you Appu.!

Here goes the pattern, enjoy.!




Size 10 crochet thread

1.75 mm hook


Tapestry needle to sew in the ends

Stitch marker






Join rounds with slip stitches in the first st made unless otherwise noted.

Pattern repeats are marked within round with any of the following: **, (), {}.

Stitch count for each round are listed at the end of the round.

Groups of stitches are marked in parenthesis () or {}.

Please go through the "STITCH GUIDE & ABBREVIATIONS" section before you begin. All stitches in this pattern are listed and/or explained in this section unless they are explained within the round itself.

It is always best to wash your product by hand and block appropriately.

I have done my best to make sure this pattern is accurate. However, if you find any errors or typographical mistake or have any query with regard to the pattern, please drop me an email on

In most of the rounds I start by saying, start your round with standing st and the position where the stitch has to be placed; this is just a starting instruction and should not be counted as a st . Moreover, you can start the round with slip st and corresponding chains for a standing st (such as ch3 for dc, ch4 for tr and so on)

Ch1 does not count as a stitch unless explicitly mentioned.








yarn over


slip stitch




single crochet


half double crochet


double crochet


front loop


back loop


front post double crochet


front post treble crochet


front post single crochet


front post half double crochet


back post half double crochet


front loop treble


double crochet 2 together

yo, place hook in st/sp to be worked, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through two loops, 2 loops on hook. Yo, place hook in same st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops, 3 loops on hook. Yo and pull through all 3 loops.


double crochet 3 together

yo, place hook in st/sp to be worked, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through two loops, 2 loops on hook. (Yo, place hook in same st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops) × twice, 4 loops on hook. Yo and pull through all 4 loops.


treble crochet 3 together

Yo twice, insert hook into indicated st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops twice (2 loops on hook), yo twice, insert hook into same st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops twice (3 loops on hook), yo twice, insert hook into same st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops twice (4 loops on hook), yo and pull through all 4 loops.


treble crochet 2 together

Yo twice, insert hook into indicated st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops twice (2 loops on hook), yo twice, insert hook into same st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops twice (3 loops on hook), yo and pull through all 3 loops.

4-dc pc

4-dc popcorn

Make 4 dc in same st, remove hook from loop and insert from front to back of 1st dc and then into dropped loop and pull through. Ch 1 to close. This closing chain is not counted in any chains you are asked to make after the popcorn

5-dc pc

5-dc popcorn

Make 5 dc in same st, remove hook from loop and insert from front to back of 1st dc and then into dropped loop and pull through. Ch 1 to close. This closing chain is not counted in any chains you are asked to make after the popcorn

fpdc4tog cluster

4 front post double crochet cluster

yo, place hook around st to be worked, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through two loops, 2 loops on hook. (Yo, place hook in same st/sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops) × thrice, 5 loops on hook. Yo and pull through all 5 loops.

fldc4tog cluster

4 front loop double crochet cluster

yo, place hook in the fl of the st to be worked, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through two loops, 2 loops on hook. (Yo, place hook in the fl of the same st, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops) × thrice, 5 loops on hook. Yo and pull through all 5 loops.

ch3 picot

Ch3 picot

ch3, ss in the back loop of the third ch from the hook.



1. Start with double MR, (hdc, ch1) × 8 times in the MR. Join with ss in the first st made. ~ 8 hdc, 8 ch1 sps

2. We will be working dc2tog in this round, but first leg of the dc2tog is worked in one st and 2nd leg in the next st, start with the beginning dc2tog (ch2 in the st where you slip stitched + dc in the next st) , ch2, {dc2tog (first dc in the previous st and 2nd dc in the next st), ch2} × 7 times. Join with ss in the first st made.            ~ 8 dc2og, 8 ch2 sps

3. Ss in the next ch sp, *((ch2, hdc in the same sp, (ch2, hdc in the base of ch2) × twice), ss in the next ch sp)* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made. Fasten off.                   ~ 24 hdc, 24 ch2 sps, 8 ss

4. Working behind the round 3, start with standing sc, (Sc in the dc2tog from round 2, ch3) × 7 times, sc in the dc2tog, ch1, dc in the first sc made (to make last ch3 sp).             ~ 8 sc, 8 ch3 sps

5. Starting with beginning dc3tog (ch2+dc2tog) in the same sp, (ch4, dc3tog in the ch3 sp from previous round) × 7 times, (ch2, dc in the first dc3tog to make last ch4 sp).                  ~ 8 dc3tog, 8 ch4 sps

6. Starting with beginning pc (ch3 + 3 dc), ch2, 4-dc pc in the same sp, fpdc around dc3tog, ch1, *(4-dc pc, ch2, 4-dc pc) in next ch4 sp, ch1, fpdc around dc3tog, ch1* rep from * to * 7 times. Join with ss in the first st made.        ~ 16 4-dc pc, 16 ch1 sps, 8 ch2 sps, 8 fpdc

7. Start with standing fpdc around fpdc from previous round, *fpdc around fpdc, skip next ch1 sp, ch1, ((dc, ch1)× 4 times, dc) in the ch2 sp (ch2 sp between two pc’s), ch1, skip next ch1 sp* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.        ~ 8 fpdc, 48 ch1 sps, 40 dc

8. Ch2 (does not count as st), * fptr around fpdc, ch1, (tr3tog, ch1, tr3tog) in ch sp between first and second dc, fptr around third dc, (tr3tog, ch1, tr3tog) in ch sp between fourth and fifth dc, ch1* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made. ~ 16 fptr, 32 ch1 sps, 32 tr3tog

9. This round is little bit different, we will be working 8 hdc’s (let’s call it leaf) around fptr (from round 8) and fpdc (from round 7) and fpdc (from round 6),*{4 hdc’s around frptr (from round 8) keeping one loop each on the hook, 2 hdc’s around fpdc (from round 7) keeping one loop each on the hook, 2 hdc’s around fpdc (from round 6) keeping one loop each on the hook, (you will have 9 loops on the hook), (YO, pull through 2 loops on the hook) × 8 times}, (sc-hdc-dc-ch2-dc-hdc-sc) in ch1 sp (between 2 tr3tog), fpsc around fptr, (sc-hdc-dc-ch2-dc-hdc-sc) in ch1 sp (between 2 tr3tog)* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made. Fasten off. ~ 8 leaves, 8 fpsc, 32 sc, 32 hdc, 32 dc, 16 ch2 sps

10. Start with standing sc in the ch2 sp, *sc in the ch2 sp, ch7* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.         ~ 16 sc, 16 ch7 sps

11. SS in the next ch7 sp, *(3 sc, ch3, 3 sc ) in the ch7 sp, fphdc around sc* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.           ~ 96 sc, 16 ch3 sps, 16 fphdc

12. Ch1, * fpdc around fphdc, ch2, {(dc2tog, ch1) × twice, dc2tog} in the ch3 sp, ch2* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.        ~ 16 fpdc, 32 ch2 sps, 32 ch1 sps, 48 dc2tog

13. Ch1, *fphdc around fpdc, 3 hdc in ch2 sp, (fphdc around dc2tog, hdc in ch1 sp) × twice, fphdc around dc2tog, 3 hdc in ch2 sp* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.         ~ 128 hdc, 64 fphdc

Note: put the st marker in the fphdc made around fpdc, we will use this st in round 16.

14. Ch1, * bphdc around each st across* Join with ss in the first st made. ~ 192 bphdc

15. Ch1, sc in the bl of the same st, sc in the bl of the next st, fptr around the right of the fpdc from round 12 – the very first fpdc that you made, think this arrangement as a letter “Y” so this fptr is first slant line, we will call it as backward fptr), *sc in the bl of next 7 sts, fptr (forward fptr) around left of the fpdc from round 12, skip the st behind it, sc in the bl of next 3 sts, fptr (backward fptr) around the right of the fpdc from round 12, skip st behind * rep from * to * around, sc in the bl of the next 7 sts, fptr (forward fptr) around the left of the fpdc from round 12, skip the st behind it, sc in the bl of next st. Join with ss in the first st made. Fasten off.          ~ 32 fptr (16 forward fptr & 16 backward fptr), 160 sc

16. Start with standing dc (keeping one loop on the hook) around first fptr (forward fptr from previous round), * fpdc4tog cluster around fptr, sc in the same fptr, ch1, skip next st, fldc4tog cluster in the loops of the next st two rounds below (in the loops of fphdc (from round 13), where we have our st marker), sc in the next st (this is the centre st of 3 sc group), skip next st, ch1, fpdc4tog cluster around next fptr (backward fptr), sc in the same fptr, sc in the bl of the next 7 sts* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.            ~ 32 fpdc4tog clusters, 16 fldc4tog clusters, 32 ch1 sps, 160 sc



17. Ch1, *(fphdc around fpdc4tog, hdc in the ch1 sp) × twice, fphdc around fpdc4tog, hdc in the next 7 sts* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.         ~ 48 fphdc, 144 hdc


18. Ch1, *sc in the bl of each st across* Join with ss in the first st made.    ~ 192 blo sc


19. Ch2 (does not count as st), *dc in each st across* Join with ss in the first st made.            ~ 192 dc


20. Ch1, * sc in the next st (for the first st, this will be same st where you slip stitched), fltr in the st which is 1 st ahead and 2 rounds below – this will give you a slant fltr, skip next st* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.        ~ 96 fltr, 96 sc


21. Ch1, * fpdc4tog around fptr, sc in the fptr, ch2, skip sc* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.         ~ 96 fpdc4tog, 96 sc, 96 ch2 sps


22. SS in the ch2 sp, beginning dc (or ch2), ch4, skip next ch2 sp, * dc in the next ch2 sp, ch4, skip next ch2 sp* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.     ~ 48 dc, 48 ch4 sps


23. SS over next 2 chains (of ch4 sp), sc in the same ch4 sp, *dc in the skipped ch2 sp from previous round, ch3, 2 dc in the 2nd ch (of ch4), ch2, 2 dc in the 3rd ch (of ch4), ch3, sc in the next ch4 sp* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first sc made (for last repeat of rounds, you will not work sc as we have already done it the beginning of round.     ~ 120 dc, 24 ch2 sps, 48 ch3 sps, 24 sc


24. Ch2 (does not count as st), *fpdc around dc, ch6, 5-dc pc in the ch2 sp, ch6* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.              ~ 24 fpdc, 48 ch6 sps, 24 5-dc pc


25. Ch2 (does not count as st), *fpdc around fpdc, ch1, dc through the ch sps from previous 2 rounds (ch6 sp of round 24 and ch3 sp of round 23), ch1, (dc, ch1, dc) in the ch6 sp, ch2, skip pc, (dc, ch1, dc) in the next ch6 sp, ch1, dc through the ch sps from previous 2 rounds (ch6 sp of round 24 and ch3 sp of round 23), ch1* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.             ~ 24 fpdc, 144 ch1 sps, 144 dc, 24 ch2 sps

26. We will be working only in the ch sps skipping 1st ch1 sp, Ch1, *fpsc around fpdc, ch1, skip first ch1 sp, (dc3tog in the next ch1 sp, ch1) × twice, (dc3tog, ch2, dc3tog) in ch2 sp, (ch1, dc3tog in the next ch1 sp) × twice, ch1, skip next ch1 sp* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.      ~ 24 fpsc, 144 ch1 sps, 24 ch2 sps, 144 dc3tog


27. Ch1, * sc in the fpsc, (hdc in the ch1 sp, fphdc around dc3tog) × 3 times, dc-ch2-dc in the ch2 sp, (fphdc around dc3tog, hdc in the ch1 sp) × 3 times* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made.                    ~ 24 sc, 24 ch2 sp, 48 dc, 144 hdc, 144 fphdc


28. Ch1, * fpdc around fpsc (from round 26), bpsc around next 7 sts, (sc, ch3 picot, sc) in the ch2 sp, bpsc around next 7 sts* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first st made. Fasten off.                     ~ 24 ch3 picot, 48 sc, 24 fpdc, 336 bpsc


This round is optional and will be worked on wrong side of your project.

29. Turn your work, we will be working in the loops made by dc3tog (from round 26 – around which we did our fphdc).

Join with ss in the first dc3tog (immediately after fpsc), ch1, *sc in the dc3tog, ch4, (skip everything in between and hop on to next dc3tog), sc in the next dc3tog, ch4, sc in the next dc3tog, ch3, tr2tog in the ch2 sp of round 26, ch3, sc in the next dc3tog (immediately after ch2 sp), ch4, sc in the dc3og, ch4, sc in the next dc3tog, ch2, (skip all the sts in between)* rep from * to * around. Join with ss in the first sc made. Fasten off.       ~ 24 ch2 sps, 24 tr2tog, 48 ch3 sps, 96 ch4 sps, 144 sc


Note: This is also optional, I have added one bobble in the centre, just to have extra little something. So to make one, make a slip knot on the hook (leaving a long tail), ch3, dc10tog in the third ch from the hook (the very first ch that you made), ch1 to close, ss in the same third ch, cut off the yarn leaving a long tail. Sew this bobble in the centre of your doily (as can be seen in the following picture).


That is it. We’re done..!

Please remember to follow me on my Instagram page @stardust0901 if you want to support me and if you have any questions, I will be glad to help you. You can tag me on your finished mandalas (#aryaadoily) or send me a picture.

More designs are available on Ravelry @ 

Follow my page HooksBooksNMe Designs on Facebook, you may also join my Facebook group HooksBooksNMe Designs Support Group 

Copyright 2020 HooksBooksNMe Designs – All rights reserved 

Please do not redistribute this pattern in whole or in partial, with or without change. You may sell items made using this pattern but please credit me as designer. Thank you for understanding.


And now it is the time for today’s WoW (Words of Wisdom), it is taken from Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini. I was impressed by the character “Arya”, a noble elf princess – beautiful, determined, and powerful. Namesake for this doily.

“It's impossible to go through life unscathed. Nor should you want to. By the hurts we accumulate, we measure both our follies and our accomplishments.”

That’s all for today. Hope you enjoy making this beauty.

Be safe and stay hooked to your passion.






  1. This was challenging pattern for me…. But I finished it and it is beautiful!


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