
Showing posts from September, 2020

"Kaas Plateau Square"

There was a time in my life when I wanted to get rid of the local trains (just google western railway Mumbai ..!!). What a pain it is to travel, in fact getting inside the train is the biggest challenge..! But now that the local train services are suspended since March and expected to remain suspended till 30 th of September, I must take roadways to reach office (I resumed office almost after 4 months of WFH). It is now, I understood the importance of local trains – how badly I miss my travelling, standing on the platform waiting for train to arrive ( by the way, they are hardly on time), standing ahead of everyone on the platform and jumping inside even before the train halts at the platform, chatting with my friends ( my morning train is fixed so I have a group of friends - of different ages, different ethnicities, different cultures but when we are in the train, we are one! ). I miss them all, that morning time was my energy booster for the whole day.    ‌We tend to ta...